Seattle, WA

#1 Stop: Seattle, WA

(August 10, 2018)
Three days ago, I was hanging out in Sarasota, working on a yacht, when Simon rolled in after wrapping up his gig in the Bahamas. You know Simon—always bursting with energy and wacky ideas. So, he throws this line at me: “I have a crazy idea. Are you interested?”

I was like, “Uh, yeah, tell me about it.”

And then he hits me with this: “What if you quit your job right now, we jet over to Seattle, scoop up a motorcycle, and soak in some North American scenery?”

I had to pause for a couple of seconds. I mean, it was totally out there, but it sounded so tempting! So, I went for it. “Well, okay, it’s a deal!”

Fast forward to today—we flew into Seattle, snagged our rental car through Turo, and checked into this cool Airbnb. As soon as we dropped our bags, we reached out to the first potential seller and hit the road to check out the bike. Exciting stuff ahead!

三天前,我在萨拉索塔的一艘游艇上班,西蒙结束了他在巴哈马群岛的工作后赶了过来。你知道西蒙的,他总是充满活力和古怪的想法。这是,他对我说, “我有个疯狂的想法 你有兴趣吗?”


然后他接着说, “如果你现在就辞掉工作 ,我们一起飞去西雅图,买辆摩托车,去领略北美的风光,怎么样?”


快进到今天–我们飞到西雅图,通过 Turo 租到了车,然后住进了这家很酷的 Airbnb。一放下行李,我们就联系了第一个潜在卖家,上路去看车-1500cc本田金鹰。令人兴奋的事情还在后面!

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